LTEN Focus Magazine, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
Now is a great time for training departments to convert their large-scale online courses (eLearning) to continuous learning experiences (microlearning). But microlearning is more than just short learning! In this infographic, Dr. Steven Just, Intela's CLO, provides ten evidence-based tips for converting eLearning to effective microlearning.
Learning Campaigns: Evidence-based learning strategies for effective microlearning
Microlearning is agile. Activities and microlessons can be combined in a virtually infinite number of ways. So, how do you create an effective microlearning strategy? In this workshop Dr. Steven Just will introduce and demonstrate Learning Campaigns – evidence-based learning strategies for effective microlearning.
Most experts agree that microlearning is a growing trend in the modern learning world, but is there ample evidence to show that it is a successful training method? Also, does microlearning enhance long-term learning retention when it’s delivered outside of a full curriculum of components? In this whitepaper, Dr. Steven Just examines the evidence behind microlearning and its efficacy when delivered alone and as part of a larger learning strategy
read moreSPRING
Continuous Learning: The Third Era in Life Science Training
LTEN Feature Story in Focus, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
Years of research have shown that 60-80% of what is taught in courses (instructor-led or eLearning) is not transferred to the job. This has been a source of frustration to life science trainers for decades. But we now have a solution to this problem because we are at the beginning of a new technology-enabled era in learning: the era of Continuous Learning.
Microlearning: Separating the Science from the Fiction
LTEN Bonus Focus, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
Without doubt, microlearning has an important place as part of any life science company’s training strategy. But as with many new training methodologies it suffers from over-hype. If we are to understand how to use it effectively, we must first separate the science from the fiction.
Nine Ways to Implement Continuous Learning
LTEN Bonus Focus, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
We have all been there. We have a test coming up that we haven’t really prepared for, so we cram over a period of a day or two. Maybe we even do well on the test, but of course we rapidly forget what we have learned.
read moreJULY
In Defense of Forgetting
LTEN Bonus Focus, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
Forgetting, as everyone knows, is not a good thing. You don’t want to forget your spouse’s birthday or to pay your credit card bill or where you left your car in the shopping mall parking lot. And of course you don’t want to forget job critical information.
Creating More Effective Multimedia Learning
LTEN Focus Magazine, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
We don't use the tem multimedia much anymore. We talk about e-learning, gamification, scenario-based learning, mobile learning anjd so on. But multimedia is still at the heart of most online learning.
Beyond Pass/Fail: Using Assessment Results to Improve Learning
LTEN Bonus Focus, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
Most of the tests we give in the life sciences are mastery exams. We set a passing score and treat the learners' outcomes as either pass or fail. If they pass, we say they have mastered the material. If they fail, we (typically) give them several more tries to pass. Ultimately our test results are binary: mastery or non-mastery. This is important, of course, but not terribly informative.
Improving Learning Through Formative Testing
LTEN Bonus Focus, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
Most of the tests we give in the life sciences are mastery exams. We set a passing score and treat the learners' outcomes as either pass or fail. If they pass, we say they have mastered the material. If they fail, we (typically) give them several more tries to pass. Ultimately our test results are binary: mastery or non-mastery. This is important, of course, but not terribly informative.
Is There Anything Lost When Learning Moves Online?
LTEN Bonus Focus, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
As we all know, over the past decade much of our training has transitioned from print to e-learning. And, to state the obvious, there are many advantages e-learning has over print: Its anytime/anywhere availability, the ease of update, the ability to incorporate audios, videos and animations, its interactivity, the trees saved, etc.
read moreJULY
Why Do Some Work Teams Outperform Others?
LTEN Bonus Focus, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
Very few of us work as individuals. For the most part we work as a part of formal or informal teams, with team members often changing based upon the particular task or project. Have you ever noticed that some teams work better than others? That some teams seem to solve problems more quickly and get more done? Have you ever asked yourself why?
Rethinking Training: Applying Lessons from the Sciences of Learning and Assessment
LTEN Webinar, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
Creating courses to conform to each individual's learning style, restudying course material, gamification, storytelling etc. These are all common training and learning strategies. But do they work? What does the research say? This webinar presents the results of research studies that test the effectiveness of seven common training and learning strategies. It finds that some of them are supported by evidence, others are not, and for others the evidence is unclear. Find out which strategies you should be using in your training programs and which you should avoid.
read moreFALL
The Science of Learning: Improving How We Train
LTEN Focus Magazine, By Steven Just, Ed.D.
It is said that admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving the problem. So let's admit we have a problem: From what we know about optimal learning and assessment strategies, most of how we train in our companies is wrong -- absolutly dead wrong.
read moreABOUT Intela™
Intela™ is a unique Personalized Microlearning Platform. It is designed to run in parallel with other learning platforms. Intela™ drives increased retention levels, maximizes on-the-job application of new knowledge, and improves learner engagement. The platform does this by automatically targeting remediation to where it is most effective.